
How To Decrease Fps In Python From Camera


Have yous ever worked with a video file via OpenCV's cv2.VideoCapture function and found that reading frames only felt boring and sluggish?

I've been there — and I know exactly how it feels.

Your unabridged video processing pipeline crawls along, unable to process more than one or two frames per 2d — fifty-fifty though you aren't doing any type of computationally expensive image processing operations.

Why is that?

Why, at times, does it seem like an eternity for cv2.VideoCapture and the associated .read method to poll some other frame from your video file?

The answer is almost always video compression and frame decoding.

Depending on your video file type, the codecs you take installed, and not to mention, the physical hardware of your machine, much of your video processing pipeline can actually be consumed past reading and decoding the next frame in the video file.

That's just computationally wasteful — and there is a better manner.

In the remainder of today's blog mail, I'll demonstrate how to use threading and a queue data structure to improve your video file FPS rate by over 52%!

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Faster video file FPS with cv2.VideoCapture and OpenCV

When working with video files and OpenCV yous are likely using the cv2.VideoCapture function.

First, y'all instantiate your cv2.VideoCapture object past passing in the path to your input video file.

Then you showtime a loop, calling the .read method of cv2.VideoCapture to poll the next frame from the video file and then you can procedure information technology in your pipeline.

The trouble (and the reason why this method tin can feel slow and sluggish) is that you're both reading and decoding the frame in your main processing thread!

As I've mentioned in previous posts, the .read method is a blocking performance — the master thread of your Python + OpenCV awarding is entirely blocked (i.e., stalled) until the frame is read from the video file, decoded, and returned to the calling function.

Past moving these blocking I/O operations to a separate thread and maintaining a queue of decoded frames we can really improve our FPS processing charge per unit by over 52%!

This increase in frame processing rate (and therefore our overall video processing pipeline) comes from dramatically reducing latency — we don't accept to await for the .read method to stop reading and decoding a frame; instead, there is always a pre-decoded frame fix for us to process.

To achieve this latency subtract our goal will be to movement the reading and decoding of video file frames to an entirely separate thread of the plan, freeing up our main thread to handle the actual epitome processing.

Simply before nosotros can appreciate the faster, threaded method to video frame processing, we first demand to set a benchmark/baseline with the slower, non-threaded version.

The slow, naive method to reading video frames with OpenCV

The goal of this section is to obtain a baseline on our video frame processing throughput rate using OpenCV and Python.

To get-go, open upwardly a new file, name it , and insert the post-obit code:

# import the necessary packages from import FPS import numpy as np import argparse import imutils import cv2  # construct the statement parse and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-5", "--video", required=True, 	help="path to input video file") args = vars(ap.parse_args())  # open a pointer to the video stream and start the FPS timer stream = cv2.VideoCapture(args["video"]) fps = FPS().start()          

Lines 2-6 import our required Python packages. We'll be using my imutils library, a series of convenience functions to make image and video processing operations easier with OpenCV and Python.

If you don't already have imutils installed or if y'all are using a previous version, you can install/upgrade imutils by using the following command:

$ pip install --upgrade imutils          

Lines 9-12 and so parse our control line arguments. We only need a single switch for this script, --video , which is the path to our input video file.

Line 15 opens a arrow to the --video file using the cv2.VideoCapture class while Line 16 starts a timer that we can use to measure FPS, or more specifically, the throughput rate of our video processing pipeline.

With cv2.VideoCapture instantiated, nosotros can get-go reading frames from the video file and processing them one-past-one:

# loop over frames from the video file stream while True: 	# catch the frame from the threaded video file stream 	(grabbed, frame) =  	# if the frame was not grabbed, so we have reached the end 	# of the stream 	if non grabbed: 		break  	# resize the frame and catechumen it to grayscale (while still 	# retaining 3 channels) 	frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=450) 	frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 	frame = np.dstack([frame, frame, frame])  	# display a piece of text to the frame (so we can benchmark 	# fairly against the fast method) 	cv2.putText(frame, "Slow Method", (ten, 30), 		cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), ii)	  	# show the frame and update the FPS counter 	cv2.imshow("Frame", frame) 	cv2.waitKey(1) 	fps.update()          

On Line 19 nosotros start looping over the frames of our video file.

A call to the .read method on Line 21 returns a ii-tuple containing:

  1. grabbed : A boolean indicating if the frame was successfully read or not.
  2. frame : The actual video frame itself.

If grabbed is Faux and then we know nosotros have reached the finish of the video file and can pause from the loop (Lines 25 and 26).

Otherwise, we perform some basic epitome processing tasks, including:

  1. Resizing the frame to take a width of 450 pixels.
  2. Converting the frame to grayscale.
  3. Drawing the text on the frame via the cv2.putText method. We practice this considering nosotros'll exist using the cv2.putText function to display our queue size in the fast, threaded example below and desire to have a off-white, comparable pipeline.

Lines 40-42 display the frame to our screen and update our FPS counter.

The final lawmaking block handles computing the approximate FPS/frame rate throughput of our pipeline, releasing the video stream pointer, and closing any open up windows:

# stop the timer and brandish FPS information fps.finish() print("[INFO] elasped time: {:.2f}".format(fps.elapsed())) impress("[INFO] approx. FPS: {:.2f}".format(fps.fps()))  # do a bit of cleanup stream.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()          

To execute this script, be sure to download the source code + example video to this web log mail using the "Downloads" section at the lesser of the tutorial.

For this example nosotros'll be using the first 31 seconds of the Jurassic Park trailer (the .mp4 file is included in the code download):

Permit's go ahead and obtain a baseline for frame processing throughput on this example video:

$ python --video videos/jurassic_park_intro.mp4          
Figure 1: The slow, naive method to read frames from a video file using Python and OpenCV.
Figure 1: The slow, naive method to read frames from a video file using Python and OpenCV.

Every bit you tin see, processing each individual frame of the 31 second video clip takes approximately 47 seconds with a FPS processing rate of twenty.21.

These results imply that information technology'south really taking longer to read and decode the private frames than the bodily length of the video prune!

To encounter how we tin can speedup our frame processing throughput, have a await at the technique I describe in the next section.

Using threading to buffer frames with OpenCV

To improve the FPS processing rate of frames read from video files with OpenCV we are going to utilize threading and the queue data structure:

Figure 2: An example of the queue data structure. New data is enqueued to the back of the list while older data is dequeued from the front of the list. (source: Wikipedia)
Figure ii: An example of the queue information structure. New information is enqueued to the back of the list while older data is dequeued from the forepart of the list. (source: Wikipedia)

Since the .read method of cv2.VideoCapture is a blocking I/O operation we tin obtain a significant speedup simply by creating a separate thread from our main Python script that is solely responsible for reading frames from the video file and maintaining a queue.

Since Python's Queue data structure is thread safe, much of the hard work is washed for us already — nosotros just need to put all the pieces together.

I've already implemented the FileVideoStream class in imutils merely we're going to review the code and then you can sympathise what'due south going on nether the hood:

# import the necessary packages from threading import Thread import sys import cv2  # import the Queue class from Python 3 if sys.version_info >= (three, 0): 	from queue import Queue  # otherwise, import the Queue class for Python 2.7 else: 	from Queue import Queue          

Lines ii-4 handle importing our required Python packages. The Thread form is used to create and outset threads in the Python programming language.

We need to take special care when importing the Queue data structure as the proper name of the queue parcel is different based on which Python version you are using (Lines 7-12).

We can now define the constructor to FileVideoStream :

form FileVideoStream: 	def __init__(cocky, path, queueSize=128): 		# initialize the file video stream along with the boolean 		# used to indicate if the thread should exist stopped or non = cv2.VideoCapture(path) 		cocky.stopped = False  		# initialize the queue used to shop frames read from 		# the video file 		self.Q = Queue(maxsize=queueSize)          

Our constructor takes a single required argument followed past an optional ane:

  • path : The path to our input video file.
  • queueSize : The maximum number of frames to shop in the queue. This value defaults to 128 frames, but you depending on (1) the frame dimensions of your video and (2) the corporeality of memory you tin can spare, you may desire to enhance/lower this value.

Line 18 instantiates our cv2.VideoCapture object by passing in the video path .

We and so initialize a boolean to indicate if the threading process should be stopped (Line 19) along with our actual Queue data structure (Line 23).

To kick off the thread, nosotros'll next ascertain the start method:

            def commencement(cocky): 		# start a thread to read frames from the file video stream 		t = Thread(target=cocky.update, args=()) 		t.daemon = True 		t.first() 		render self          

This method merely starts a thread separate from the main thread. This thread will call the .update method (which we'll ascertain in the next code block).

The update method is responsible for reading and decoding frames from the video file, along with maintaining the actual queue data structure:

            def update(cocky): 		# go along looping infinitely 		while True: 			# if the thread indicator variable is gear up, stop the 			# thread 			if self.stopped: 				render  			# otherwise, ensure the queue has room in it 			if not 				# read the next frame from the file 				(grabbed, frame) =  				# if the `grabbed` boolean is `False`, then nosotros take 				# reached the end of the video file 				if not grabbed: 					self.terminate() 					return  				# add together the frame to the queue 				self.Q.put(frame)          

On the surface, this code is very similar to our instance in the slow, naive method detailed higher up.

The key takeaway here is that this code is actually running in a split up thread — this is where our actual FPS processing rate increase comes from.

On Line 34 we start looping over the frames in the video file.

If the stopped indicator is set, we exit the thread (Lines 37 and 38).

If our queue is not total we read the next frame from the video stream, check to see if we accept reached the end of the video file, and so update the queue (Lines 41-52).

The read method will handle returning the next frame in the queue:

            def read(self): 		# return next frame in the queue 		return self.Q.get()          

Nosotros'll create a convenience part named more that volition return Truthful if there are nevertheless more frames in the queue (and Fake otherwise):

            def more(cocky): 		# return True if at that place are however frames in the queue 		return self.Q.qsize() > 0          

And finally, the end method will be chosen if we want to finish the thread prematurely (i.eastward., before we accept reached the cease of the video file):

            def cease(self): 		# indicate that the thread should be stopped 		self.stopped = True          

The faster, threaded method to reading video frames with OpenCV

Now that we have defined our FileVideoStream class we can put all the pieces together and relish a faster, threaded video file read with OpenCV.

Open a new file, proper noun information technology , and insert the following code:

# import the necessary packages from import FileVideoStream from import FPS import numpy equally np import argparse import imutils import fourth dimension import cv2  # construct the argument parse and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-five", "--video", required=Truthful, 	help="path to input video file") args = vars(ap.parse_args())  # kickoff the file video stream thread and permit the buffer to # beginning to fill up print("[INFO] starting video file thread...") fvs = FileVideoStream(args["video"]).start() time.sleep(1.0)  # get-go the FPS timer fps = FPS().start()          

Lines 2-8 import our required Python packages. Find how nosotros are using the FileVideoStream class from the imutils library to facilitate faster frame reads with OpenCV.

Lines 11-14 parse our command line arguments. Simply similar the previous instance, we only need a single switch, --video , the path to our input video file.

We then instantiate the FileVideoStream object and start the frame reading thread (Line 19).

Line 23 so starts the FPS timer.

Our next department handles reading frames from the FileVideoStream , processing them, and displaying them to our screen:

# loop over frames from the video file stream while fvs.more(): 	# grab the frame from the threaded video file stream, resize 	# it, and convert it to grayscale (while still retaining three 	# channels) 	frame = 	frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=450) 	frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) 	frame = np.dstack([frame, frame, frame])  	# display the size of the queue on the frame 	cv2.putText(frame, "Queue Size: {}".format(fvs.Q.qsize()), 		(10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,, (0, 255, 0), 2)	  	# prove the frame and update the FPS counter 	cv2.imshow("Frame", frame) 	cv2.waitKey(ane) 	fps.update()          

Nosotros start a while loop on Line 26 that volition continue grabbing frames from the FileVideoStream queue until the queue is empty.

For each of these frames we'll apply the same image processing operations, including: resizing, conversion to grayscale, and displaying text on the frame (in this instance, our text will be the number of frames in the queue).

The candy frame is displayed to our screen on Lines 40-42.

The last code cake computes our FPS throughput rate and performs a bit of cleanup:

# stop the timer and display FPS data fps.stop() print("[INFO] elasped fourth dimension: {:.2f}".format(fps.elapsed())) print("[INFO] approx. FPS: {:.2f}".format(fps.fps()))  # do a chip of cleanup cv2.destroyAllWindows() fvs.stop()          

To see the results of the script, make sure yous download the source code + case video using the "Downloads" section at the bottom of this tutorial.

From there, execute the following control:

$ python --video videos/jurassic_park_intro.mp4          
Figure 3: Utilizing threading with cv2.VideoCapture and OpenCV leads to higher FPS and a larger throughput rate.
Figure iii: Utilizing threading with cv2.VideoCapture and OpenCV leads to higher FPS and a larger throughput rate.

As we tin run into from the results nosotros were able to process the entire 31 second video clip in 31.09 seconds  — that's an comeback of34% from the slow, naive method!

The actual frame throughput processing charge per unit is much faster,clocking in atxxx.75 frames per second, an improvement of52.15%.

Threading can dramatically improve the speed of your video processing pipeline — use information technology whenever you can.

What about built-in webcams, USB cameras, and the Raspberry Pi? What exercise I exercise so?

This mail service has focused on using threading to meliorate the frame processing rate ofvideo files.

If you lot're instead interested in speeding upwards the FPS of your congenital-in webcam, USB camera, or Raspberry Pi camera module, delight refer to these weblog posts:

  • Increasing webcam FPS with Python and OpenCV
  • Increasing Raspberry Pi FPS with Python and OpenCV
  • Unifying picamera and cv2.VideoCapture into a unmarried class with OpenCV

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In today's tutorial I demonstrated how to use threading and a queue data structure to amend the FPS throughput rate of your video processing pipeline.

Past placing the call to .read  of a cv2.VideoCapture  object in a threaddivide from the primary Python script we can avoid blocking I/O operations that would otherwise dramatically dull down our pipeline.

Finally, I provided an example comparingthreadingwithno threading. The results evidence that by using threading we can amend our processing pipeline by up to 52%.

Still, keep in mind that the more steps (i.eastward., function calls) yous make inside your while  loop, the more computation needs to be done — therefore, your actual frames per 2d rate will drop, just you'll however exist processing faster than the non-threaded version.

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